RallyHub Pricing

Our pricing model was designed with scalability at the heart, we understand events and that's why we've opted for a "pay-as-you-go" approach when it comes to our business.

Our pricing works on a tier-based system - everyone starts on the first tier and moves up.
Once the threshold is hit for the current tier, any future transactions / sales / entries costings will be calculated based on the next tier.

First Tier

Up to 1,000 entries
    Hosting & Maintenance£15.00 per month
    Approved Entries£1.20 each

Second Tier

Between 1,000 and 5,000 entries
    Hosting & Maintenance£15.00 per month
    Approved Entries£1.10 each

Third Tier

Over 5,000 entries
    Hosting & Maintenance£15.00 per month
    Approved Entries£1.00 each

Cost Calculator

RallyHub is rammed with lots of features aimed to speed up workflow and processes, allowing show staff to spend more time on making their event the best it can be.

You can use our cost calculator to see RallyHub is the tool needed for your show.

1. How many exhibitors / traders?
2. Are staff volunteers or paid?
3. Do you post entry forms?
4. Average time spent processing an entry (hours & minutes)
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