RallyHub Features

RallyHub is rammed full of features and is ever-evolving, here's just some of what is on offer as standard.

Dynamic Form Builder

No two events are the same and we believe in full flexibility. RallyHub is packed with our intuitive form builder that allows shows to create their own entry forms for different scenarios. From multiple-choice capture to text boxes, document uploading, address searching, DVLA vehicle lookups, required fields and conditional data capturing, RallyHub preaches flexibility to ensure it captures what you want it to.

Show Entry Management

Entry applications within RallyHub work on an approval based system, this can be automated or a manual process depending on the requirements of the event.

Once approved, applicants are sent a QR code to an e-mail address (captured from the submitted form). The QR code is unique to that application. On arrival to the show, the applicant simply shows the gate staff the QR code which can be scanned using RallyHub on any device (e.g laptop/smartphone) that has a camera and is connected to the internet (nothing to download). Once the QR code is scanned, RallyHub will show whether the entry is valid or not. On scanning a valid code, staff will have the option to sign in vehicle registrations and sign them out. They can also query different parts of the application like contact details.

RallyHub can also support only allowing certain QR codes at different gates, it is fully configurable to the shows specification.

Automated E-mailing & E-mail Tracking

RallyHub is packed with e-mail functionality that is bespoke to each show. There are a few scenarios where RallyHub will send e-mails, the event is able to completely customise the subject and body of each e-mail as they see fit.

RallyHub uses it's own e-mail servers to ensure the e-mails get to your patrons reliably, however we are able to support third party e-mail servers on request.

RallyHub keeps track of e-mails it sends. From the E-mail Management screen in the portal you'll be able to see the status of any e-mails sent by RallyHub on behalf of the show. Information related to the e-mail such as time generated / sent, successful / unsuccessful send and the e-mail itself is available to view from the E-mail Management screen.

Staff Access & Management

RallyHub is designed to host multiple staff users for each event.

Our extensive permission system means that each staff member can be locked to only being able to see what they need to see.

Permissions are linked up with entry types, forms and even the data inside them so you can lock a steward to a specific form (For example: Exhibitor Form) or even a specific section (For example: Steam Section) or lock a specific user to a gate.

Upcoming Features

We're currently working on the following features to make RallyHub even better.

Online Payment System

ETA: July 2024

The ability to take payments online, at the point of entry capture and ticket reservations.

Online Ticket Sales

ETA: August 2024

Allow pre-sale of tickets for events, linked up with our form builder so our customers can dynamically sell tickets alongside our data capture element.

Online Product Sales

ETA: August 2024

Allow pre-sale of products for events, such as programmes and other merchandise, linked up with our form builder so our customers can dynamically sell products alongside our data capture element.

Visitor User Accounts

ETA: August 2024

Allow your customers to sign in and register to a RallyHub site, giving them access to see their own applications and to make re-applying to an event even easier.

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